Jeddah’s Traditional Architecture

Jeddah, a city with a rich history, boasts a unique architectural heritage specific to the Hejaz region. Local artisans have elevated this traditional architecture to a refined art and technology. This craftsmanship was already celebrated by early European explorers. In 1503 CE, the Italian explorer Ludovico di Varthema, who traveled to India, described Jeddah’s houses as “very beautiful.” Three centuries later, British explorer George Annesly echoed this sentiment, calling the houses “impressive.”

As a significant trading port, Jeddah has benefited from centuries of interaction with Middle Eastern, Asian, and European cultures, enriching the arts and architecture of Hejaz. Additionally, as the seaport of Makkah, Jeddah has welcomed millions of pilgrims from around the world, who brought new skills and exchanged ideas with the local people. The building activities in Egypt across the Red Sea also influenced the construction skills of the people of Hejaz. For example, the famous Rowshans and Mashrabiyas (projected screened windows), prominent features of Hejaz architecture, came from Egypt through Jeddah.

Construction Techniques

The construction materials used in Jeddah’s houses demonstrate the ability to exploit the surrounding environment and overseas trade. The ancient people of Jeddah built their homes using four main raw materials:

  1. Coral Stones: Extracted from the nearby reef along the Red Sea shore.
  2. Purified Clay: Taken from the deep bottom of two lakes, Al-Mangabi and Al-Arbaeen, used as cement material to glue coral stones. The clay is also used as waterproofing for the floors, roofs, and lower parts of the external coral walls, a technique unique to Jeddah.
  3. Teak Wood: Imported from neighboring areas such as Wadi Fatima or from abroad (especially from India) through the seaport.
  4. Gypsum: Found in the Arabian Peninsula and used to decorate the front doors.

The building technique involved arranging the building stones over each other, separated by pieces of wood (Takaleel), which helped ensure a fair distribution of the loads on the walls. Some of these buildings reach heights of more than 30 meters and remain strong and in good condition after decades, despite the weather.

As coral stone is light and fragile, it is protected from the high humidity and salinity in the air with a thick layer of lime plaster (nora) and wooden pieces (ganadel) that absorb cracks resulting from dilation after drying, keeping the building standing for 400 years.

Elements of Architecture

  • Rowshan: A 60 to 90-centimeter projected wooden skeleton covered with decorative wooden panels and screens. It usually covers the entire elevation of the upper floors. This architectural element helps air move and spread around the house and casts shade on the walls to alleviate the heat.

  • Mashrabia: Smaller than Rowshans, mostly found in Majlis (the public room of the house). Salons and pots of water are placed on its base to cool the air passing by it.

  • Windows: Large windows protect the house from outside looks while letting light enter through decorated wooden screens.

  • Baab (Door): Massive doors made of teak wood with metallic nails and knockers. The wood is ornamented with engravings, topped with a pointed or half-circular arch surrounded by a decorative gypsum frame. These doors symbolize economic and social status and are painted in colors contrasting with the surrounding white walls.

  • Sath (Roof): Ornamented with geometric or floral motifs and scripts (mostly Quranic).

Jeddah’s traditional architecture is a testament to the city’s rich cultural heritage and its ability to blend various influences into a unique and enduring style. This heritage, recognized by UNESCO, continues to inspire and attract visitors from around the world.


Jeddah’s Markets: A Blend of Tradition and Modernity

A Crossroads of Ancient Trade Routes

Jeddah, a city with a rich merchant tradition, has long been a crossroads between ancient trade routes. This vibrant trading heritage is alive and well in both its modern and historic markets.

The Famous Fish Market

One of the most renowned markets in Jeddah is the fish market, located west of the Corniche. Here, you can find at least 50 species of sea creatures freshly caught from the Red Sea, ranging from hammerhead sharks to grouper, parrotfish, and squid1. This bustling market is a must-visit for seafood lovers and those looking to experience the local culture.

Souq Alawi: The Heart of the Old City

At the heart of Jeddah’s old city, coral houses line both sides of Market Street, home to the traditional Souq Alawi. This market is the most extensive in the Kingdom and has been famous among traders and pilgrims for centuries. In Souq Alawi, you can find genuine Arabian jewelry, Islamic art, and traditional dress1. The market’s rich history and vibrant atmosphere make it a fascinating place to explore.

Jeddah’s markets offer a unique glimpse into the city’s past and present, showcasing its rich cultural heritage and dynamic trading traditions. Whether you’re looking for fresh seafood, traditional crafts, or a taste of local life, Jeddah’s markets have something for everyone.