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Taif: A Coveted Highland of Religion and Scent

Introduction  Ta’if, a city less than 100 kilometers east of Makkah, sits at an altitude of 1800 meters in a valley on the eastern side of the Hejaz mountains. This millennia-old city lies at the crossroads of two of the most important[...]
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Modern Jeddah – The Corniche

A dynamic Saudi city pleasant to live in The Corniche Jeddah, initially built on the bay, later expanded along the Red Sea shore, creating a seafront that has become the beating heart of Jeddah’s social life, known as the Corniche. The[...]
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Jeddah’s Traditional Heritage: A UNESCO-Listed Treasure

Jeddah’s Traditional Architecture Jeddah, a city with a rich history, boasts a unique architectural heritage specific to the Hejaz region. Local artisans have elevated this traditional architecture to a refined art and[...]
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Jeddah: A Saudi City Open to the World

In a country often perceived as remote and mysterious, Jeddah stands out as a vibrant seaport city with a rich tradition of global exchanges. This connectedness is highlighted by its Gamma+ ranking in 2012 by the Globalization and World[...]
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Hajj: The Largest Pilgrimage in the World

One of the Five Pillars of Islam Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Makkah, is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a religious duty that every Muslim who is physically and financially able must undertake at least once in their lifetime. The[...]
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Showing 6 - 10 of 56 posts